Posts tagged herbal sitz bath
How to Recover After a Vaginal Birth

I remember while pregnant, I was reading up and googling every pregnancy milestone. What's even worst my MIL bought me the mayo clinic 1000-page book on pregnancy. So, most days, I was glued to it.

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Postpartum Timeline: How to Recover 7 days, 21 days, 42 days and 6 months

In the same way that every woman, child, pregnancy, and birth are all wonderfully unique, so are women’s postpartum experiences. While one mom might feel that she recovered quickly after pregnancy, another might feel like her recovery process took even much longer.

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8 postpartum essentials you need after birth

In anticipation of the arrival of your new addition, the emphasis is almost always on preparing items for the baby, creating the perfect aesthetic for the nursery, and making exciting social media announcements along the way.

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