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How Moms can find time for themselves and where to start

As moms, we never seem to have time and there are many reasons why. 

Some reasons are self-inflicted like mom guilt or worry that can build up into anxiety and depression. Other times there are external reasons like work, family, extended family care, spinning multiple plates, or just life in general. 

We all lead hectic lives, so taking a 10-minute break for ourselves is almost next to impossible. With ten minutes, you can do the laundry, pack away toys, figure out dinner or whatever other chores that needs to get done. 

A favorite quote of mine is ‘We all have 24 hours in a day it’s how you use it’. I’m always checking to make sure I’m in tune and using it wisely. But in order to figure out our 24 hours and our life, a self-assessment is key. 

Where is your time going? What are the things you want to do, that you don’t seem to have time for? It’s so easy to just let our lives take us along for the ride, as we follow our schedules and bounce from one thing to the next. Mothers tend to go wherever we’re needed, and that’s toward external pulls. What about our internal needs? How do we learn to listen to them more? What if, instead of letting our schedules rule us, we took charge of our own schedule? Let’s talk about how to *fix* your schedule and make sure you’re about to find time to have the 24-hours that you desire, and the life you truly want.

Step 1: Write out your schedule, and what actually happens from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed. Where is your time going?

Step 2: Write down the things you want to “find time” for.

Step 3: Analyze your schedule and be honest with yourself about where you can fit in more of those things you want to do. Chances are, you won’t be able to fit in all of them, but even some of them will increase your quality of life tenfold. 

Let’s do this


Hi, there! I’m Taylor, and I work part-time for CODDLE as a writer, designer, PR assistant, etc. I work from home doing various social media jobs, and have two small children. If anyone has ever *not had time* it’s me. But, I’ve found that the more I tell myself that I don’t have time, the less time I have. 

When Ruth, CODDLE’s CEO and Founder, brought this blog post to my attention, it really seemed to hit home. We do all have 24 hours in a day. Where are my hours going? While I feel like I’m running a marathon from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep, I know that I’m missing some key self-care opportunities somewhere in there. There has to be more to life than working and feeding children, right? Where is the time I need for exercise, cleaning the house, cooking actual meals for myself, etc.? I have a feeling that the time is actually there, but I’m just not seeing it, or I’m not taking the right opportunities. Let’s take a look at my schedule: what actually happens, and if there was a missed opportunity for self-care (or not!)

8:00am - Wakeup

The kids typically wake up between 7:30 and 8am, unless our 7-month-old has had a bad night, and he wakes up maybe an hour earlier. Our 3 year-old is pretty consistent with this 8am wakeup time. 

Immediately after waking up, we move to the kitchen to make breakfast. We typically eat, then get dressed for the day and are out the door by 9am. It’s very fast-paced, and that hour disappears quickly. 

Is there room for self-care?

I feel like there isn’t in the mornings. I know some mothers set an alarm or choose to wake up before their kids to enjoy quiet time, a cup of tea, etc. While that might work for some, it’s not my personality. I’ve always been big on sleep and feel like that’s the best form of self-care I can give myself - so I like to get as much as I can! Having a baby really adds to that need, for sure. 

9:00am - Walk the kids to their nanny’s house

The boys both go to their nanny’s house during the day while my husband and I work. Our nanny lives about 2 blocks away, so we typically walk them over in a jogging stroller. 

Is there room for self-care?

Yes, actually. I think going for that morning walk or jog with them is a great way to get exercise and start my day on the right foot. It definitely helps me wake up if we’ve had a rough night with the baby or I’m still tired. So this 15-20 mins of exercise while taking the boys to the nanny is a great way to kill two birds with one stone!

10am-12pm - Work Meetings

I typically have work meetings or phone calls leading up to lunchtime on Mondays and Tuesdays, and often at least one more day each week, but it changes. 

Is there room for self-care?

My work meetings are dedicated to my clients completely, so it’s not really self-care. But I do love my jobs, being artistic, and helping others grow their businesses, so in a way, this is fulfilling! When I remind myself of that and find joy in my work, it doesn’t feel like work.

12pm-1pm - Lunchtime

Around this time I make lunch and try to organize my thoughts from my work calls, etc. 

Is there room for self-care?

Absolutely. I know that feeding my body and brain good, healthy meals is the most important self-care I can do for myself. As I write this I can see how sometimes I rush through lunch and opt for a lazy, quick meal in order to get back to work. But if I spent this time preparing something more nutritious for myself, that I would benefit more in both the short and long term. This is something I can work on! 

1pm-3pm - Work Hours

After lunch, I get back to work and complete any tasks I have for the day. Now that I’m thinking about it (because I’m writing about this during this time frame!) I typically have a slow start during this time, because I’m a little tired from lunch. I know this is a common time that people, particularly women, have a hormone drop that makes you more tired. Which leads me to . . .

Is there room for self-care?

Did you notice how, how that I’ve gotten in the flow of writing out this schedule, that my mind was already focused on how to make certain time slots better? This is the benefit of writing out this schedule, being more mindful of your time, etc. What an amazing exercise!

What I’m thinking about now, is, possible extending my lunch break to 1:30, and squeezing in a walk or exercise routine for 30 minutes after lunch, so that my work hours are more efficient and I don’t fall into an afternoon slump. I found room for self-care!

3pm-4:00pm - Household Stuff

I *try to take this hour to wind down from my work day and prepare to pick the kids up. I’d like to fit all of my “mom” stuff in here: cleaning the house, starting or planning dinner, etc. I’m lucky to have this time slot to get my mind straight before turning “mom mode” back on, but I don’t always use it. I often let work run right up to the time I need to go pick up the boys, but I know I should take advantage of this hour.

Is there room for self-care?

Having dinner ready and the house clean IS self-care for me, truly. I feel so much better, more at ease and comfortable, if everything is in order and planned out. I’m able to enjoy the evening with the boys without feeling frantic about messes, etc. Self-care for me, would be to make sure that I actually use this hour every single day. Additionally, if I could even take 15 minutes of this time to pull weeds or be in the garden, that would bring me so much peace.

4:30-5:00pm - Boys Pickup

I walk to pick up the boys during this time.

Is there room for self-care?

Going for a walk is great! I can also stick around longer at pickup to socialize with our nanny/friend, rather than rushing back to the house. Particularly if the home is clean and dinner is planned out, I’m able to enjoy socializing more. 

I’ve found that talking to other moms is SO important!

5:00-8:00pm - Mom Time

This whole time window is a blur of dinner, playing with the kids, and bedtime routine. There isn’t much structure to it, other than the bedtime routine. And having the house clean makes this time much more enjoyable, so I’m not distracted and I’m able to fully be “present” with the kids.

8:00pm - The kids are asleep!

I think we all know this feelings, mamas! The kids are asleep, so it’s our time to shine! This is prime time for self-care! But what do I usually do? Scroll on my phone until 11pm and then wonder where my time went. Seriously. How many of us do that? We’re just so grateful to have quiet time that we get lost in our phones, with no interruptions. I love social media, but I really get stuck in it sometimes. 

Instead of scrolling for hours, I’d love to: do yoga, go for a night run, take a long bath, straighten up the house, do some journaling, read a book.

Is there time for all of those things? Oh yes! I’ve just got to make it happen.


Are you inspired to write out your own schedule and do a self-assessment/audit of your time? What do you think you’ll find? Do you have more time than you think you do? What are some things you REALLY want to make time for?

Share your insights with us + how you’re able to find or make time in your busy schedule.