5 Baby Products You Don’t Really Need

Black woman and black baby in nursery.jpg

Motherhood has quickly become a capitalistic industry. You’ll see messaging everywhere that tells you to “buy this” or that something is a “must-have” for new moms. You’ll also notice veteran moms buying a lot less of these same items, because it’s easier to market products to a first-time mom. 

As a first-time mom, we want to do everything right. We want to be over prepared, if anything. Because honestly? There is nothing that can truly prepare you for being a mother. It’s a huge unknown factor. To lessen that anxiety that we feel, it’s very easy to accumulate products to feel a sense of security. If we have this, this, and this, then having a newborn will be much easier. . . right? 

Sometimes. But, other times-- not so much. In this article, we are taking a look at some common items you’ll find on baby registry websites that many moms have found are just not necessary. 

1. The Wipe Warmer

This one can be controversial sometimes, as you’ll find mothers who swear by them. But, it somehow always makes the list of baby products you don’t really need. In theory, it sounds good -- especially to a new mom. It’s natural to not want your baby to be uncomfortable in any way, and not even for a second. Right? So using a cozy, warm baby wipe rather than a cold wet one seems like it would be a no-brainer.

But, many moms find that it’s just not worth it. 

- It takes up space.

Wipe warmers can be bulky and require a plug-in. While these don’t sound too overbearing, not everyone has the space for something like this. And if you already find that you’re not using it enough, or it’s not making diapering any easier, then it’s just not worth the space. Some versions have a light on them, too, and you can only get the light to turn off when you unplug the machine. Having to keep up with plugging it in and unplugging it can just be too much for some mamas. As they say: “I ain’t got time for that!”

- It gives you more work to do

As bulky as they are, most wipe warmers can’t even fit an entire package of wipes. Weird, right? It’s like the hot dog versus hot dog bun dilemma. You never have enough buns for each package of hot dogs you buy! For wipes, you have to cut into the bag to refill a wipe warmer. If not all of the wipes fit in there, then you’re left with wipes that need to be moved into a zip-Loc bag to keep from drying out. These sound like small complaints, but listen: you’re a mom to a newborn. Ain’t nobody got time for this!

- The hassle outweighs the benefits

Listen. Babies are a lot more resilient and flexible than we give them credit for. The amount of time that the cold wipe spends on their skin is so short that, in the grand scheme of things, your baby is going to be fine. They will get used to it. When a baby enters the world, there are a lot of things they have to get used to: sound, light, wind, and so many sensory inputs that they didn’t feel in the womb. Cold wipes can be one of them, and they will adjust accordingly. Give them lots of snuggles and a dry warm diaper, and they will forget about the cold wipe before they even know what happened. Baby wipes are not that cold. Just don’t store them in the fridge. 

2. The Bottle Warmer

What is it about making things warm? The idea is that your baby was warm and cozy in the womb, and we want to emulate the environment of the womb as much as possible once your baby is earth side. To an extent, this makes sense. Babies need hugs, snuggles, and a physical sense of security. 

But, there are many things that are supposed to change once your baby leaves your body. That’s why they left in the first place: to find a bright, new world. To grow, explore. 

Not everything is going to be warm. Your baby transitions from receiving nutrients through the placenta to drinking milk from a breast or a bottle - in a matter of minutes. One minute they’re connected to your placenta, and the next they’re drinking colostrum. That’s a huge life change for them, but they do it instinctively. 

This article isn’t meant to be a “tough love, rub some dirt on it” kind of parenting piece. But just the opposite. Your baby is strong. Their bodies know what they need, how to adapt, and they are going to be okay. You are going to be okay, too! 

Your baby can have a cold wipe, and room temperature or yes, even cold milk. 

3. Baby Coats or Jackets

I had my first child on January 1st and it was 14 degrees outside. The coldest months of the year were the first months of his life - and we never used a jacket or a coat. Don’t get me wrong - we bought one. They’re adorable! But anytime you’re going outside with a newborn, it’s usually either to ride in the stroller or to get into the car seat.

Jackets and coats should not be worn in a car seat.  Especially for newborns! They aren’t car seat compliant or safe. Since the straps aren’t close to your child’s body, they aren’t actually holding your child taught and snug into the seat, rendering it useless. 

Instead of bundling them up before they get into the car seat, you’re supposed to put a blanket or a cover over them after they’ve been buckled. 

So, when would you use a baby jacket? Unless you’re going to be holding them for a long period of time outdoors, at a sporting event or something (do they even have those post-COVID?) then chances are, you won’t. 

If you’re one of those moms who just likes to take cute photoshoots, though, then go ahead! Lucky for you, you’ll be able to find baby coats and jackets secondhand that have hardly been worn (yay!).

4. The Changing Table

This one is hit or miss, and I’ve found that the number of moms who use or don’t use a traditional changing table is about 50/50. For that reason, we’re adding it to the list of baby products you don’t really need -- because so many moms get by without it!

The traditional changing table is nice if you:

- Have back trouble

If hunching over the bed or kneeling on the floor to change a diaper just isn’t in the cards for you, then a changing table might be the way to go. It will allow you to stand upright and maintain a decent posture when changing your baby’s diaper. Bonus: it helps store all of your diaper stuff in one convenient place! As a new mom, any sort of organizational help is much-welcomed.

- Want a traditional, picture-perfect nursery

Have you ever bought something just because it fits the aesthetic? Sometimes you just have the cutest crib ever - and it happened to have a matching changing table option. So even if you don’t *need* the changing table, you get it. It matches! The room looks put together and totally Instagram-worthy! We see you, mama, and we’re not judging you one bit. Enjoy having a nursery that you’re proud of - because chances are you’ll spend quite a bit of time in there! 

A traditional changing table is a baby product you don’t really need, though, if:

- You spend more time in other parts of the house

With my first, my favorite breastfeeding spot was in the living room. I was comfortable there, and having to get up and walk all the way to the bedroom for a diaper change just didn’t make sense. So we used a mat on the living room floor and even kept all of our diapering stuff in there. Always do what’s most convenient and comfortable for you and your family!

- You just don’t want one

Don’t want a changing table? Don’t want to pay for it? Don’t want to assemble it? Don’t get one. Changing your baby’s diaper on the floor or on a bed works perfectly fine!

5. We opening this one up to you - veteran moms

What’s something you got and didn’t use or you could have lived without?

Bonus 6

We’re adding a bonus 6. It’s not for the baby its for you. The maternity industry is full of buy buy buy especially for baby. Pick up any pregnancy magazine and its the best product, best review and everything you can think of all for baby. Where are the products that cares for mom? What does mom really need? Moms need all the love and support during postpartum and products that soothe and heal during recovery. Our CODDLE postpartum kit of organic plant based products is perfect for moms. Our products helps mom heal faster cutting your recovery time in half.