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New Year’s Resolution #1: Take Care of Your Cervix

If you’re already a mom, you know good and well what your cervix is. At least, you’ve heard a lot about it. It’s the part inside you that dilates to push your baby through. During the birth process, many of us get our cervixes checked to see how far along we are in labor. The cervix is an amazing part of the female body that makes childbirth possible. We love our cervix! So it makes sense that we want to take care of it, right?

We kick off the New Year with Cervical Health Awareness Month—welcome to January! What better way to check off some simple resolutions than to take care of your body. You’ve already met your cervix. You’re grateful for the blessings it has brought you, and now it’s time to give back. Get a pap smear!

The Pap Smear

What is it? A Pap smear involves collecting cells from your cervix — the lower, narrow end of your uterus that's at the top of your vagina. Detecting cervical cancer early with a Pap smear gives you a greater chance at a cure. A Pap smear can also detect changes in your cervical cells that suggest cancer may develop in the future. - Mayo Clinic

How painful is it? During a a pap smear test, a nurse or doctor will put a plastic or metal tool called a speculum into your vagina. The speculum opens up to separate the walls of your vagina so that they can see your cervix. You may feel some pressure or mild discomfort when the speculum is put in and opened.

How is it done? A small spatula or tiny brush is used to gently collect cells from the cervix for the Pap test. You may feel a light scratching when they take the cells, or you may feel nothing at all. You may also have some staining or bleeding after.

How should you prepare for a Pap smear?

  • Not have vaginal sex for two days before your exam.

  • Not use tampons, vaginal creams or medicines, birth control foams or jellies, lubricants or douches for at least two days before the test.

  • Schedule the appointment at least five days after your period ends.

What does the pap smear do? Relative to the cervix, it looks for any abnormal cell changes that may hint that you’ve developed cervical cancer. Other tests can be run along with the pap that look for STI’s or any other problems you may have. Don’t be afraid of testing—knowledge is power! 

Women ages 21 - 65 should have pap testing done every year. If you’re not sure how long it’s been, call your doctor and have them look it up for you.

According to the CDC there are less than 200,000 cases of cervical cancer each year. All women over 30 are at risk for cervical cancer, Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the main cause of cervical cancer. Its easily detectable through a routine pap smear.

Some risk factors for cervical cancer include:

·        HPV

·        Smoking

·        Weakened immune system

·        Obesity

·        Imbalanced diet

·        Long-term use of birth control pills

·        IUD use

·        Multiple pregnancies

 You might notice that many of the risk factors on that list sound like . . . well, most women! If you don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables, use any form of birth control, or have had more than one child—you are at risk. Get checked. Make a point to call your doctor and set up an appointment this month while you’re still on fire about tackling some 2023 resolutions. Nothing says self-care like a pelvic exam, right?

Your cervix has been good to you. It helps your menstrual blood exit your body, produces lubrication and orgasms, tells sperm where to go during intercourse, holds your baby tightly in place during pregnancy, and let’s your little one exit the womb when it’s time. Pretty incredible, right? Your cervix is magical. Treat it well, and make sure it stays healthy in 2023.

Click here to locate free/low cost pap smear testing in your state.