New Mom's guide to surviving Thanksgiving

Friends clinking glasses together

Thanksgiving and the holidays are the best time to be among friends and family, enjoying lots of festive celebrations and tons of delicious food. Nonetheless, it can also be very tasking physically, mentally and emotionally, particularly for a new mom in the house.  There are a few things you can do to handle the stress that comes with the holidays and your new bundle of responsibility.   

Let them have the baby, tis the season!

As a new mom, it’s the only other time of the year when everyone wants to hold or see your babe. Friends and family will not have enough of the baby, so make the most of it. Take the time to leave the baby with the grandparents or friends who are visiting and go for the longest walk ever!! How about date night with your spouse or partner? If you’re a single mama, date yourself. Spend a couple hours of ‘me’ time totally pampering yourself.

It’s OK to say ‘NO’

The one thing about family is they have a lot to say, and when they’re around we tend to revert or give in to them. Keep your boundaries! Remember: they are only around for what, once a year, if that? You’re a new mom and you won’t know everything. There will be tons of suggestions to go around. If it doesn’t sound like something you would do, say so. Or tell them you will take it under consideration. Don’t say YES TO EVERYTHING. Rome wasn’t built in a day and so too Motherhood. And if they’re pushy remind them Motherhood is a skill, its learnt.

Buy yourself a gift

YES! Get something for you. As women we’ll naturally take care of everyone and forget ourselves. Indulge in Black Friday and Cyber Monday. When you buy it, wrap it too? That way everyone has a gift.  There’s no greater feeling than opening a gift. It’s the kid in all of us. Be that kid again, especially at Christmas time.

Don’t lose your mind if you’re eating more than usual

Along with the holidays, shopping, friends and fun, there’s food and tons of it. Don’t go crazy if you find yourself reaching for one too many punch bowls or slices of cake. Enjoy! Eat to your heart’s content, but you know yourself. Don’t overdo it. Listen to your gut. If it feels like too much, maybe it is. While family and friends are over, if your routine is the gym, or a walk or at home gym equipment; spend some time doing whatever you need to do to burn off the extra calories. Don’t beat yourself up for eating too much. Motherhood is stressful enough take everything in stride. If you can’t do it today, do it another day.

Create memories

During the holidays, there are a lot of things you would like to forget or remember in equal measure. Nothing beats creating memories to last a lifetime. You’ve mastered the ‘selfie’, now master yourself. Snap a few pics and create new memories of your family. Thanksgiving is that time of year where you’ll have your whole generation (if they are still living) under one roof. Make the most of it. There are a few pics I have of my grandma, my mom, myself and my daughter. Now that my grandma has passed, I go back and look through those photos. It’s the best feeling in the world. I’m so happy I did it.

It’s beginning to be the most wonderful time of the year. Make it wonderful for you. Don’t stress the small or big stuff.

Do you have other ways to survive Thanksgiving? Share it with us.