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Navigating the Outdoors with a Newborn

Welcome to the new year and if you’re giving birth this year this post is for you. Welcoming a newborn into your life is an extraordinary journey filled with moments of joy, wonder, and, inevitably, a bit of apprehension. As your body heals and you and your baby settle into a rhythm, the allure of the great outdoors may beckon. The idea of stepping beyond the comfort of your home can be daunting, but with careful planning and a realistic approach, venturing outside can become a rewarding experience for both you and your little one.

Your first thought may be to wonder when it is appropriate to start going outside with your newborn. Determining when it's safe to venture out with your newborn is a decision that varies across cultures and individual circumstances. Unlike some cultures where it's common for women to stay indoors with their new baby for a month or more, there's no fixed timeline for outings with your newborn.

The key is to listen to your own readiness and instincts. You're not in a rush to leave home, and it's perfectly okay to take things at your own pace. Being ready for venturing outdoors is not just for your newborn, you have to be ready too. Make sure you are taking care of yourself postpartum. If you don’t know where to start you could find our postpartum kit helpful. It includes a number of holistic products made to help mom through her postpartum period. 

When you decide to go out, it's advisable to choose a time when your baby is calm and content. Optimal times often include after a feeding session and a fresh diaper change, providing a comfortable and conducive environment for your outing.

When you decide to go out, it's advisable to choose a time when your baby is calm and content.

It's crucial to consider your baby's unique needs and circumstances. If your baby was born prematurely or has a health condition, it's advisable to consult with your doctor or child health nurse before planning any outings. Their professional guidance can ensure that you make informed decisions tailored to your baby's specific situation.

In essence, the decision to leave home with your newborn is a personal one, and there's no fixed timetable. It's about gauging your own comfort, your baby's well-being, and seeking professional advice if needed, to ensure a positive and safe experience for both you and your little one.

When it's time to go outside, here are some tips to make it an easier transition for both you and baby. 

Dressing Baby Appropriately 

How should I dress my baby to ensure they're comfortable? Maintaining the right temperature is key. Instead of relying on the feel of their hands and feet, check your baby's forehead to gauge if they are too warm or cold.

Avoid using the warmth of their hands and feet as the sole indicators. Dressing your baby in layers is a practical approach, allowing you to easily adjust their clothing by adding or removing layers as needed.

For colder weather, keep your baby cozy with a blanket and hat. Upon entering a warm environment, remove one or two layers to prevent overheating.

In hot weather, it's crucial to take extra precautions to keep your baby cool and shield them from the sun. Since babies can't regulate their body temperature as effectively as adults, dress them in minimal clothing while ensuring their arms and legs are covered to prevent sunburn. Don't forget to top it off with a hat, which is essential for protecting your baby's head and face from the sun.

Start Small

The first step in embracing outdoor adventures with your newborn is to start small. Begin with short outings close to home. A stroll around the block or a visit to a nearby park can provide a refreshing change of scenery without overwhelming you or your baby. Gradually extend the duration of your outings as you gain confidence and your baby becomes more accustomed to the outside world.

Choose the Right Time

Timing is crucial when stepping out with a newborn. Opt for times when your baby is well-fed, rested, and generally content. Late morning or early afternoon can be ideal, as the weather is often milder, and there are fewer crowds. Consider the needs and routine of your baby to ensure a smooth and enjoyable outing.

Pack Thoughtfully

Preparation is key to a successful outdoor excursion. Be prepared for your outing by packing essentials such as diapers, wipes, a change of clothes, and feeding supplies. A well-stocked diaper bag ensures you have everything you need and allows you to focus on enjoying your time outside.

Prepare a bag with the following essentials for your outing:

  • Diapers (6 to 10, adjusting based on the outing's duration)

  • Wipes (place them in a travel case for convenience)

  • A changing pad

  • 2 to 3 changes of clothes

  • Weather-appropriate accessories (hat, blankets, sunshade)

  • Plastic ziploc bags for soiled clothes

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Formula and bottles if you are bottle feeding

  • Burp cloths/wash rags for cleaning up the baby after feeding/burping 

  • Coddle Nipple Balm for breastfeeding and pumping mamas

  • A coverup for breastfeeding in public

  • Hydration and a snack for mom

Transporting Baby While Outside

How you take your baby outside depends on what you are doing outside and what the weather is like. For those first walks in nice weather, you can wear your baby in a body carrier. For longer walks or trips to a dedicated park, you will want to make use of a stroller. 

Using a stroller is a convenient way for you and your baby to go out. Always ensure your baby is safely secured in the stroller with a 5-point harness. Remember to engage the brakes whenever you come to a stop. To prevent the stroller from tipping, place bags in the harness underneath, avoiding putting them over the handles.

Safeguarding Your Baby from Infectious Diseases

How do you safeguard your baby from infectious diseases? Infections like gastroenteritis, colds, flu, and COVID-19 are prevalent. To minimize the risk, especially when your baby is very young, try to limit exposure to individuals who may be infectious.

Immunization is a crucial measure to protect your baby from certain infections. Routine childhood vaccinations can commence as early as 6 weeks of age. Speak with your pediatrician about what’s available and what’s recommended. 

Listen to Your Body

As a new parent, paying attention to your own well-being is equally important. Take note of your energy levels and physical condition. Pay attention to your energy levels and physical well-being. If you feel fatigued, don't hesitate to cut your outing short and return home for rest. Remember, it's okay to take things at your own pace and prioritize your well-being.

Connect with Other Parents

Building a support network is crucial during the early stages of parenthood. Joining parenting groups or attending local baby-friendly activities can provide a sense of community and support. Sharing experiences with other parents can be both comforting and informative, offering valuable insights into navigating the challenges of parenthood.

Being part of parenting groups or joining baby-friendly activities in your local area is a great way to make friends and get helpful support during the journey of being a parent. When you spend time with other parents in these places, you not only make connections but also share different experiences and learn from each other. It's more than just being friends; it's like having a comforting and enlightening source that helps you understand the many challenges of raising a child. When you join these groups, you're building a network where you share stories, tips, and ways to handle difficulties, creating a pool of knowledge that can really help you deal with the ups and downs of being a parent. It's like having a team of friends who understand what you're going through and can give you valuable advice.


Getting out of the house with a new baby is a significant milestone that marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life. However, it's crucial to approach this adventure with patience, understanding, and a commitment to self-care. Rest, as the foundation of postpartum recovery, sets the stage for the exciting journey ahead. So, cherish the quiet moments of rest, embrace the dinner plate analogy as a reminder of your body's resilience, and when the time is right, step into the world with your little one, ready to create lasting memories.

Let us know in the comments how it goes for you.